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18 6                               ORTHOMETRY.
given to the second syllable of each. Two spondees often occur together, and occasionally as many as three or four.
are occasionally admissible, but much more sparingly than either of the former, as their run from strong to weak breaks the regular iambic flow weak to strong. Two trochees should never occur together, and not more than two in the same line. They are to be found frequently in the first foot, occasionally in the third and fourth, but rarely in the second and fifth.
(iv) Trisyllabic feet are also frequently used for iambic, especiallywhich have the
same rhythmic run from weak to strong ; the utmost limit of such substitution is three to five.
(v) An additional unaccented syllable is fre­quently found at the end of a verse, and occasion­ally a twelfth syllable is added, but there must be no sixth accent. This liberty is mostly confined to dramatic verse.
The canons here concisely laid down have been carefully deduced from the usage of our best poets, and are in agreement with the views of the most recent authorities on our versification. Mr. Ellis says,* M The number of syllables may therefore be greater than ten, and the accents may be, and gener­ally are, less than five. If there be accent at the end of the third and fifth group, or at the end of the second and fourth, other accents maybe distributed almost at pleasure." Dr. Abbottf states that about one